The flight was pretty quick; no problems. We got to Winnipeg around 2:30
probably, left airport around 3:45, went to the mission home and had real food,
which was great, and then had interviews and testimony meeting. We then (the elders) left to walk over
to the mission office to stay the night and we contacted a guy on the street.
There were 8 of us elders and he looked a little intimidated seeing as there
were 8 big guys in suits surrounding him.
I'm in Brandon, Manitoba, by the
way, for the next three months most likely and my trainer is from
Edmonton. His name is Elder
McRitchie. He's awesome. We get
along great and he's an amazing missionary. It’s great everyone here in the Winnipeg Mission are super obedient
and so far I placed my first BOM, taught a crazy cat man,
and had a man yell at us and slam the door in our face already. We're also
teaching other people and visit other people including a Medium who speaks
to her 4 guardian angels and sees demons and spirits all of the
time. People pay her to be a medium and do card readings so it’s
going to be interesting to tell her that she is influenced by Satan.
Her house is full of living creatures and plants and fish tanks and a
ferret runs around sometimes. At the first lesson we taught her, she's really
nice and seems really interested in the gospel and really likes us so she gave
me a free reading without me even asking her and told me that she see's me
serving a mission in Africa somewhere, some day, and that my missionary
experience won’t end here. But her boyfriend or husband (not sure
what he is to her) is a really good investigator and he knows nothing
about the gospel or Jesus Christ and we showed him a video on Faith in
Christ and then the restoration last night. We got him to pray for the
first time in a really long time; it was great. We also talked to a
Salvation Army Church couple who were very nice but not interested, but
still very nice and gave us a drink and what not. It's been
great though.
All week we've been praying for our
investigators and non-actives and non-members to come to church
and Sunday tons of people who hadn’t been there before or hadn't
been there in a long time came. It
was super cool. We have about 80 or so people in our ward and it’s the only
ward so it’s really different and we had a potluck after church. We
have yet to get fed by members and only have 200 dollars a
month so that'll be interesting.
It’s rained almost everyday since I've been here
so far so the raincoat and umbrella have been very useful so
far. Also my apartment is stacked. There are two of us and we have a stove, an oven,
toaster-oven, dishwasher, fridge, bread-maker, rice-cooker, toaster, blender,
hot chocolate maker, microwave, crockpot, our own dryer and washing machine
(Elder Kenney and I learnt how to do laundry together in the MTC and we're
really good at it), walk in closet, three couches, and three desks and
stuff. It’s a nice apartment,
one of the nicest in the mission. Its great! Loving it already and I haven't
even been out here for a week yet! Also our mission has 24 brand new Chevrolet
Cruze but I don't get one because we are the walking missionaries in Brandon
and take the bus, which is pretty interesting. There are 6 missionaries here in
Brandon; two companionships of Elders and one sister companionship, one of
them being Sister Carmen Waterhouse from third ward, now fifth ward I guess.
But yeah it’s good and has been fun. Loving it here!
Also, it’s great because my companion always
cooks so I don't have to worry about it.
All I've made so far is KD and he’s made everything else! :)