Monday, August 12, 2013

August 12

My week was great. I am now in Dryden and I love it here. My new companion is so great and it is the best place in the mission. It feels like a completely different mission! It was closed for a year and it was just opened two transfers ago so everything is new and the place has so much potential and we are going to have so much work to do. I love it already! This week we are going to contact all the other ministers here (there are like 12 churches here in Dryden, town of 7000 people) and the mayor and see what all we can do to help! The people I have met so far are really great and I am so excited to work will all of them! And all of Ontario is surrounded by water but this part of Ontario is so beautiful! Just trees and rocks and lakes everywhere, everything about this place is great!  It is just a branch and on Sunday there were 11 people there and a new couple (the male was recently baptized almost 2 years ago) came from like an hour away from some surrounding area to our tiny little branch! It was great to see! There is just Elder F and I here and there is also a Senior Missionary Couple who have been here for over a year now. But it’s great. I am hoping, and will probably stay here for at least 6 months!

As for the heat, it was only really hot for like two weeks all summer and it has already started to cool down quite a lot. I have a feeling that it is going to be an early and a very long winter!

But I love you and hope that you continue enjoying the rest of your summer, at least what is left of it.

- Love Elder Shane Dola